What is Captive Insurance?
A Private Insurance Company Owned by the Business Owner

Protect the Business
That You've Built
- Integrates with Your Traditional Commercial Insurance to Lower Costs
- Insures Revenue Streams and Covers Expense Exposures
- Access to Policies Not Available Commercially or Too Expensive (Custom)

Keep More of
What You've Earned
- Premiums are Tax Deductible for the Business
- Premiums are Tax Free for the Captive Insurance Company
- Distributions are Taxed at Lower Rates (Capital Gains)

Improve Your Cash Flow
- Premiums are Retained, Investable, and Reinsured
- Captive Corporations are Creditor Proof
- New Profit Center – Offer Warranty/Insurance Program

Protect the Business
That You've Built
- Integrates with Your Traditional Commercial Insurance
- Access to Policies Not Available Commercially or Too Expensive (Custom)
- Create a New Asset/Corporation that is Creditor Proof

Keep More of
What You've Earned
- Premiums are Tax Deductible for the Business
- Premiums are Tax Free for the Captive Insurance Company
- Distributions are Taxed at Lower Rates (Capital Gains)

Turn Premiums
into Profit
- Premiums are Retained, Investable, and Reinsured
- Reduced Traditional Commercial Insurance Costs
- New Profit Center – Offer Warranty/Insurance Program
Video: Adding Value Through Captive Insurance (1:21 minutes)
Video: Captive Entity Formation Made Simple (1:16 minutes)
How a Captive Insurance Company Works
Forming a captive insurance company is a way to cover gaps, exclusions, and deductibles in existing insurance policies. In addition, a captive can also issue tailored policies to provide protection against risks which may not be readily available or too costly with typical commercial policies. See what captives cover. Entity structure and favorable tax exemptions create additional wealth for the business owner.

Benefits of a Captive
- Increased Coverage
- Access Reinsurance Market
- Reduced Insurance Costs
- Capture Underwriting Profit
- Pricing Stability
- Improved Claims Review and Processing
- Tax Benefits
- Investment Income
- Increased Cash Flow
- New Revenue from Insurance and Warranties
- Asset Protection
- Leverage Capital
- Recoverable Premiums
Captive Insurance Companies Provide
Greater Risk Protection
When establishing your own captive insurance solution, you add additional coverage for risk exposures that are specific to your business. Additionally, costs associated with high premiums such as overhead for marketing, advertising, commissions paid to agents, and other overhead related to running an insurance company are reduced if not eliminated. As a result, your captive may markedly reduce your existing commercial insurance costs and provide more coverage.
We Make Captives Simple

Our Captive Services
Captive Nation provides captive insurance formation and management services. Captive insurance helps companies thrive in the good times and survive the tough times. Captive formations enables companies to protect assets, decrease taxes and costs, increase income and cash flow and leverage capital to create additional wealth accumulation for the business owner.

Our Turn-Key Approach
At Captive Nation, we provide our clients with all the administrative, underwriting and operations support they need to create and manage their captive insurance company. Our management team is composed of the most experienced professionals to ensure your captive is properly structured, managed, and compliant with all state regulations and is IRS compliant in all areas.
Captive Nation will help you select the best captive structure and domicile to meet your business and risk management needs. In short, our services include:
Audit & Compliance
Claims Management
Investment Strategies